All Tools
- Is The Event Portal Responsive / Mobile Friendly?
- Why was a client's information deleted?
- Can my website visitors easily view my forms and tools on their mobile device or smart phone?
- Can I have my forms sent to multiple email addresses?
- Do I have to use all of the tools that are included with my account?
Availability Checker
- Can I Change The Referral To Party Blast When Unavailable?
- What is the purpose of the check availability notification?
- What is the Availability Check Referral Network?
- How does the Availability Checker work in conjunction with eWebmin?
- How can I modify the Availability Checker date box to fit my site design?
- Can you add the ability to blackout only certain hours of a certain date?
Booking System
- Why are my contracts printing with foreign characters?
- Can my clients sign my contract electronically with an e-signature?
- Can I use my own contract for the booking system?
- Can I have my packages and options appear as a drop-down box on the Booking System rather than free-form text boxes?
- Can I have my additional Quote Generator questions carry over to the Booking System if I have them linked together?
- Can I add my own questions to the Booking System form?
Contact/Message Form
- Why am I not receiving text-alerts (SMS) on my cell?
- How do I setup to receive leads via my cell phone?
- Can the mandatory fields on the contact forms be changed?
- Can lead information import into Outlook?
- Can I change my email notification subject line?
- Can I add my own questions to the Contact Form?
Event Timeline
Guest Request
Music Playlist
- Can My Client Add A Custom Song Request?
- How Can I Integrate Spotify?
- What is the difference between the Music Search and Music Database tool?
- Do I have to use the default music database?
- How often is the default music database updated?
- How many songs are in the default database?
Payment Gateway
- How Do I Configure PayPal Developer?
- Can My Clients Pay With Square?
- Why didn't a payment get processed at PayPal?
- Is your company PCI compliant?
- How does the Payment Gateway work?
- How do I turn encrypted payments off in PayPal?
Planning Forms
Quote Generator
- Can I Control The Order Packages and Options Are Displayed?
- Can I Remove/Add Cost Per Guest?
- How do I set up groups for the packages and options?
- Can I use images and enhanced text within my package descriptions?
- Can I set up my add-ons/discounts/promo codes to calculate based on a percentage?
- Can I set the mileage calculator to charge per mile instead of in ranges?