The Payment Gateway supports PayPal Developer* integration in two formats: Direct and Standard. Direct commonly carries an extra fee, but removes much of the typical PayPal branding. Standard will present the client with PayPal buttons upon payment. (We have two screenshots at the bottom of this article showing the visible difference.)
*The developer configuration is titled "PayPalV2" in our Payment Gateway configuration.
Step 1
If you have a current PayPal account, you can log in with these credentials at (Need an account? Sign Up Here)
Click "Get API Credentials"
Step 2
Choose between "Sandbox" or "Live". (Sandbox is for testing purposes. Live will be a "production" environment and accept actual payment.)
Step 3
Establish an App Name. (This can be a name of your choosing and is not used in the Payment Gateway configuration. You might consider DJ Intelligence or Event Intelligence.)
Step 4
Locate the "Client ID" string of characters. Copy this to the DJ/Event Intelligence Payment Gateway.
Tip: Open DJ/Event Intelligence in a separate tab. Paste Client ID into Payment Gateway configuration for PayPal Direct or Standard V2. Be sure to match the "Environment" option with the selection in Step 2.
Step 5
Locate your "Secret" by clicking "Show" so that your code is displayed. Copy and paste this into the DJ/Event Intelligence Payment Gateway configuration for PayPal Direct or Standard V2.
Paste into Payment Gateway
Select the cards you'd like to accept / display and whether you'd like to enable this as an option. Click "Update" in the Payment Gateway to save your changes. (If you selected "Sandbox" as the environment, you can test without actually processing live transactions. If you selected "Live" in PayPal Developer, select "Production" in the Payment Gateway. This is ready to accept live transactions.)
Direct vs. Standard
Screenshots of the client-facing view of Direct vs. Standard.
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