You receive the following error: The seller accepts encrypted website payments only. You cannot pay the seller through un-encrypted buttons. Please contact your seller for more details.
This Level of Encryption just ensures that a customer is not able to change any of the details being sent to PayPal. Our system transmits the information through the backend and is required to be disabled in order to work with third party service.
Step 1: Log in to PayPal at
Step 2: Under My Account click Profile
Step 3: From the Selling Preferences column (represented below), select Website Payment Preferences
Step 3: Find the section titled, Encrypted Website Payments
Step 4: Turn the option Block non-encrypted Website Payment to OFF
Step 5: Save your settings.
Step 1: Log in to PayPal at
Step 2: Under My Account click Profile
Step 3: From the Selling Preferences column (represented below), select Website Payment Preferences
Step 3: Find the section titled, Encrypted Website Payments
Step 4: Turn the option Block non-encrypted Website Payment to OFF
Step 5: Save your settings.
Please feel free to contact us for further explanation, clarification, or assistance.
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