The Booking System works with any ESIGN/UETA/EC compliant electronic signature service. We currently recommend PandaDoc. They feature a free plan and comes with unlimited signatures. Simply drag and drop the PDF generated from the Booking System.
Why do we recommend using a 3rd party service...
E-signatures are highly complex, and if executed even slightly incorrectly, can result in your contract being invalid and your business being liable for any damages. Due to the nature of the special events industry and the liability involved, your business or personal assets could be at risk in the event of a claim should your contract be found invalid. Work with one of these reputable services who will ensure the complete and total legality and enforce-ability of your e-signatures.
Once you have chosen a third party e-signature entity, let's take a look at a real life booking example:
1. You or your client visits your Booking System at and enters the event details
If you have your Quote Generator linked to your Booking System, you can start at
2. When the contract is displayed on screen, you'll receive the usual "Event Booking Form" notification email which contains a PDF version of the contract
3. Save the PDF to your desktop (for your records) then go to your third party of choice to add to be e-signed.
4. Enter the recipient's email address, attach the PDF, and click "Send" -- Your contract is on it's way to the client to be e-signed!
Here's what you and your client will see during the process...
This is the PDF version of your contract that is emailed to you
A sample third party e-sign screen. (Others will be slightly different.)
Your client receives an email and signs the contract safely and electronically with a single click
You'll receive an email letting you know you now have a signed, fully binding contract.
The bottom line...
The Booking System is a great tool to get your contract into your client's hands faster. By using fully enforceable e-signatures, you can further expedite the booking process and eliminate the need to fax or mail back the executed contract.
Please feel free to contact us for further explanation, clarification, or assistance.
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